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Danh sách Các môn học Sau đại học giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh của Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ

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Tên môn học (tiếng Anh)
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Mô tả môn học
Tiếng Anh cơ bản
General English
The course consolidates such essential grammar knowledge and skills at intermediate level as time, tense, mood, parts of speech, types of sentence for MA students majored in other fields than English. The course also provides necessary vocabulary for everyday conversation in such areas as people, environment, health, travelling, entertainment, communications and aliketo enable the learner to communicate competently in these areas.
Tiếng Anh học thuật
English for Academic Purposes
The course is an introduction to some main features of academic presentation and different types of writing in language study. Issues such as written communication and academic writing, types of essays and types of writing that applied linguists often do, documentation as well as other skills in academic oral and written presentation are reviewed and discussed. Some practical experience will be gained through tutorials, examining writing works and giving oral and written presentation.
Ngôn ngữ học đại cương (tiếng Anh)
General Linguistics (English)
The course is an introduction to linguistics for the postgraduate students who major in English linguistics and English teaching methodology. It lays the foundation for understanding the nature and properties of human language and is a pre-requisite for successful completion of other linguistics courses (socio-linguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, pragmatics, phonetics, phonology, and syntax). The course covers five broad issues: Morphology, Phonetics and Phonology, Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Each part of the course is concerned with discussing the underlying principles of universal grammar common to all languages, showing how these are revealed in the specific grammar of world’s languages.
Ngôn ngữ học ứng dụng (tiếng Anh)
Applied Linguistics (English)
The course is an attempt to explore the different senses in which the term ‘applied linguistics’ is employed. The focus of the course will be on the issues: The notion of ‘applied linguistics’ and the areas of knowledge that are directly related to applied linguistics; The linguistic aspect; The sociolinguistic aspect; The psycholinguistic aspect which consists of the experimental and observational studies of children acquiring their first language and the experimental and observational studies of learners acquiring/learning their second language.
Lý thuyết ngữ pháp và ngôn bản
Theoretical Grammar and Discourse
The course primarily studies the principles of word formation, phrase and sentence construction. Specifically, it analyzes and interprets major categories of grammar: 1) Morphology, 2) Syntax, and 3) School of linguistic studies.
The course also investigates the major notions used in discourse analysis such as cohesion and coherence – sentence cohesion, paragraph, text as well as types of cohesive devices: syntactically, logically and lexically.
Ngữ nghĩa học (tiếng Anh)
Semantics (English)
The course is an introduction to semantic theory at the graduate level. It will cover both the philosophical foundations of contemporary semantics and its development within theoretical (broadly generative) linguistics. Of interest to graduate students in both Linguistics and Teaching Method, the focus of the course will be truth conditional compositional semantics, and cognitive semantics. Though basic background in Analytic philosophy of language, formal logic or generative syntax would be beneficial, a detailed knowledge will not be presupposed.
Phương pháp nghiên cứu
Research Methods
The course is a general introduction to some main research methods and ways of conducting a research project in applied linguistics. The emphasis will be on insight into some key concepts in research, the research process, approaches and methods in applied linguistics research and a practical introduction to conducting a research project. As the introduction is mainly for graduate students of applied linguistics it is confined to what is of relevance to the preparation of research projects in applied linguistics and therefore, it does not cover everything about research methods or conducting research projects in general.
Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu (tiếng Anh)
Contrastive Linguistics (English)
The course provides the essentials of contrastive linguistics and general knowledge of languages in the world, systems and branches of language. It also provides the learner with specific methods of analysis of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics in the two languages: English and Vietnamese.
Những nguyên tắc ngữ âm và âm vị học
Principles of Phonetics and Phonology
The course provides knowledge of new trends, tendencies and achievements in phonetic and phonological research; develops skills in systematizing data for the detection of what is new in phonetic and phonological research. Specifically, the course revises and consolidates knowledge of approaches, tendencies, phonemic analysis techniques, phonological alternations, phonological structures, derivational analysis in phonology; updates new discoveries in phonetic and phonological research.
Những đường hướng phân tích diễn ngôn
Approaches in Discourse Analysis
The course studies discourse as language used in social contexts. Focus is placed on aspects such as the defining characteristic of discourse and other essential features of discourse, problems of contexts, coherence and cohesion, the use of background knowledge, discourse representation, contexts and some major approaches to the study of discourse. Students will do discourse analysis as part of the course.
Tiếng Anh viết khoa học
Academic Written English
The course is designed to help students improve their academic writing skills, particularly in assignments and thesis writing. Issues such as critical reading and writing, conventions and requirements of academic writing, formatting and assessing a research paper, plagiarism, and documenting skills are reviewed, discussed and practiced. A number of readings and exercises are also given for giving students the chance to improve their background knowledge and skills related to the basic issues in applied linguistics in general and in learning/teaching academic writing in particular, and to raise their awareness towards these matters in their alternative roles both as teachers and learners.
Giao tiếp giao văn hoá
Cross-Culture Communication
The course defines such basic concepts as ‘Culture’, ‘Cross-Culture’, ‘Communication’, ‘Intracultural Communication’, ‘Intercultural Communication’, ‘Cross-Cultural Communication’, ‘Transcultural Communication’ (Working definitions); introduces key categorical dimensions: Subjectivity-Objectivity, Positive Politeness-Negative Politeness, Directness-Indirectness in intracultural/ cross-cultural communication; hypothesises the expressions of these categorical dimensions in relation to components of communication and in correlation with other categorical dimensions; and analyses the expressions of these categorical dimensions in intracultural/ cross-cultural interactions as well as the cultural values backgrounding them.
Ngữ pháp chức năng
Functional Grammar
The course is concerned with systemic functional grammar (SFG), a model of language which has attracted a great deal of attention from linguists, language teachers and students. The focus of the course will be on the following issues: the architecture of language, the ideational metafunction and its realisations through the transitivity system, the logical metafunction and its realisations through the systems of Expansion and projection, the ideational metafunction: metaphorical modes of expression, the interpersonal metafunction and its realisation through the mood and modality systems, the textual metafunction and its realisation through the systems of theme-rhreme and information focus; and cohesion and discourse.
Dụng học
The course provides the learner with knowledge of basic concepts in pragmatics; major domain and concerns in pragmatics.
The course also develops the learner’s skills in applying pragmatics knowledge for practical works (translation, language teaching, cultural research, …)
Nghiên cứu dịch thuật (tiếng Anh)
Translation Studies (English)
The course is a general introduction to translation studies with a focus on some modern theories in translation and issues such as the nature, kinds and forms of translation, the process of translation, text analysis, translation methods and procedures, equivalence in translation, interpreting process, translation assessment. A limited amount of practical experience will be gained through tutorials, examining translations or translating texts and presentations.
Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành
English for Specific Purposes
The course introduces major issues in ESP: defining ESP, types of ESP, approaches in ESP curriculum design, syllabus design, ESP teaching methods, evaluation and assessment in ESP.
The course’s main focus is on 1) study of ESP register and 2) practice of learner’s needs analysis, ESP syllabus designing, ESP material development, teaching methods and evaluation.
Chiến lược giao tiếp
Communication Strategies
The course defines such basic concepts as ‘Communication’, ‘Intrapersonal Communication’, ‘Interpersonal Communication’, ‘Small Group Communication’, ‘Public Communication’ (Working definitions); introduces, analyses and practises communication skills (intralinguistic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic) with the categorical dimension of ‘Formality-Informality’ in view;   communication strategies (18 strategies) with the categorical dimension of ‘Positive Politeness-Negative Politeness’ in view; and discusses qualities of a successful (intracultural/ cross-cultural) interactant.
Hoa Kỳ học
American Studies
The course provides an overview of American culture and society in which one of the most successful and prestigious education systems in the world has been formed, developed and nurtured. On that basis, the course focuses on the various stages of development of American education system, including both the secondary and tertiary education, its organization, governance and management, its achievements and challenges; the philosophies, values and beliefs that have brought about the achievements as well as the problems for the American education system.
Ngôn ngữ, văn hoá và xã hội
Language, Culture and Society
The course focuses on the complex and subtle relationship between Language, Culture and Society. Language and culture, in our point of view, are seen from a Global perspective. The learner will enjoy opportunity to be exposed to new concepts namely the Linguistic System as a Discursive Construction; Linguistic Flows, Discursive Flows and Cultural Flows. Also, a new concept: languaculture is being introduced and looked upon. It is hopeful that the learner will find the course interesting, and beneficial in improving their understanding of the relationship between Language, Society and Culture and see this particular relationship as an essential condition for peaceful co-existence among peoples all the world over. On the basis of this assumption, Language, Society and Culture is produced.
Lý luận và phương pháp dạy học ngoại ngữ
Language Teaching Methodology
The course is to enable the participants to determine an appropriate methodology (Holliday 1994) which takes into account the constraints and conditions on and the effects of instructed second language learning in the context in which they work. Some of these constraints are universal, some are particular to their own situations. As language teachers tend to be more aware of the latter than the former, one of the implicit aims of this course is to raise their awareness of the former. In determining an appropriate methodology, it is necessary to take into account at least theories of language and the language acquisition process, and to understand how language is used to communicate meanings, theories of instruction and learning, the social and cultural context in which teachers work, and the status of English as a global language.
Phát triển chương trình và tài liệu dạy học tiếng Anh
English Language Teaching Curriculum and Material Development
The course provides major notions in curriculum design and material development, especially, it focuses on the best practices in the field in the world.
The course is also an opportunity for the learner to practice experimenting, evaluating, modifying current curriculum and syllabi and based on this, to further investigate and solve emerging problems in English language teaching in Vietnam.
Kỹ thuật và công nghệ trong dạy học ngoại ngữ
Technology in Language Teaching
The course introduces ways to apply technological advances such as CT, CALL and E-learning in English language teaching in the Vietnamese ELT context.
The main focus of the course is on training the learner to be competent in employing the above named technology in their day-to-day English teaching.
Văn học trong dạy học tiếng Anh
Literature in English Teaching
The course introduces major theories on the role of literature in ELT and ways to select as well as to exploit literary works to integrate them into the actual teaching of English at different levels; focuses on teaching English literature as a specific subject to English majors; ways of using literary texts in developing the four language skills.
The learner also has the opportunity to practice designing syllabus, planning lesson to incorporate literature into their English teaching.

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